Wednesday 17 May 2017

Installing an IBM MQ server on LINUX

Installation of MQ in LINUX

Software requirements: OS compatibility and kernel parameters.

Hardware requirements: Need to check the space availability for the file systems.
(/var/mqm and /opt/mqm)

Installation directories:
/opt/mqm/samp/bin for solaris and linux
/user/mqm/samp/bin for AIX

Working directories:
/var/mqm for solaris , AIX and linux.

> To proceed with installation we need to login as a 'root' user

>To check which MQ packages installed
rpm -qa| grep MQseries

> To display which version of MQ installed

> To find out hostname

> To find out OS version
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/redhat-release

> To check the space for the file system
   df -h |grep mqm

> We need to go to the /opt/mqm/samp/bin here we need to unzip or untar the MQ software file. To unzip the zip file
    gunzip -filename

> To untar the package or file.
   tar -xvf <filename>

 > To accept the license execute below command
    ./ -accept

> After accepting the license we need to proceed with install required packages by using below command.
   rpm -ivh <packagename>

> To check the number of MQ packages installed

   rpm -qa | grep MQ

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